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The Healing Power of Crystals…
Healing self is possible , You just need to commit to it like anything if you seek the desired result. The best service you can do for yourself...
Empowering Reminders…
Whilst watching the worlds toughest race on Netflix, I was inspired to bring into fruition and share some of my most amazing lessons I have learnt in my journey ...
You see the toughest race is life itself... You are constantly competing with yourself against yourself to be your best self...
Relationship with Self…
it is said that the relationship you have with yourself is the most complicated because you can’t walk away from you. You have to forgive every mistake, you have to deal with every flaw. You have to find a way to love you when you are disgusted by you…
Coping with Stress
How are you coping with stress, media and news? We all have choice and free will – core teaching of the Modern Mystery school. Yes you have heard it in movies, you’ve heard somewhere , somehow…
How Far Are You From LOVE?
It is pain and hurt that creates a wedge between you and your ability to love and be loved.
The love a mother has for her child is really the first experience that we get to experience love in physicality…
Are You Waking Up Feeling Unsettled?
Yes we are home, some of us are comfortable, relaxed , getting things done and that’s awesome however we can still wake up and not feel good even in the comforts of our own homes, maybe you had a dream, or you have thought about something that brings a feeling or emotion making you uncomfortable…
Balance Between Giving and Receiving
Having boundaries are so important, it’s part of balance to give and receive… We must give from a place that we are abundant in or else it will result in negativity later on…
Physical Healing
Physical death can be sudden and unexpected… it can involve suffering while you watch your loved ones transition…
2020:Leading with Purpose
How will you lead with purpose today and every other day ? If you would like to bring more purpose to the life and roles that you lead, please get in touch.
Remembering My Freedom
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