Empowering Reminders…
Whilst watching the worlds toughest race on Netflix, I was inspired to bring into fruition and share some of my most amazing lessons I have learnt in my journey ...
You see the toughest race is life itself... You are constantly competing with yourself against yourself to be your best self...
⭐️ We are all connected by our light and love...
⭐️ When you are moving forward, focus on that and not how many people are behind you...
⭐️ Sometimes the “ winning” is not about completing a race however when you truly have given it your best shot, you win inside...
⭐️ When In a team, you are one , you can’t do it alone, neither can you win alone , all of us or none of us , a concept first introduced to me by the Modern Mystery School...
⭐️ Don’t worry about who is supporting you, instead focus on why you are doing what you are doing...
⭐️ Its your journey, nobody is going to do life for you, but you , so have fun always ...
⭐️ Love and care about your people in your team, respect your leader that you have chosen to guide you , ( let go of thinking you can be a better leader and instead support your leader in becoming better- this can only make you better) and in that accept that we are all learning even the person leading you...
⭐️ Negative thoughts don’t make you a bad person, it’s only when you choose to act on that thought !
⭐️ Even when you are mentally , emotionally at your weakest, you don’t blame anyone or anything but focus on how you can be better...
⭐️ You give it your best until you are out of the race...
⭐️In order to have inner strength, you have to be strong mentally , emotionally, physically and spiritually...
⭐️ You serve eternally...
⭐️You support your weakest member and help them overcome their challenges... you support everyone you see on the way, because you are nothing less than that...
⭐️You are attached to your growth and detached from your fears and limiting beliefs
⭐️Many people lead by example, a disease , condition , stereotypes does not define you
⭐️When you take on life whether it is your challenges or obstacles you will know yourself, there will be things you like and dislike, however you will have many chances to change and transform...
⭐️ I could go on, however it makes me feel deeply grateful knowing that there are people like this in this world that I know exist in my circle, and I am becoming all of this with the path of progression in the Modern Mystery School so I can make my world a better place...
Be a better person for you, so the world 🌍 will be a better place ...
It starts with a life activation session and Empower Thyself initiation.