Coping with Stress
How are you coping with stress, media and news?
We all have choice and free will – core teaching of the Modern Mystery school. Yes you have heard it in movies, you’ve heard somewhere , somehow…
Whilst teaching stress rescue to a few students, they realised in that intense moment of stress that they had forgotten this very powerful yet effective teaching. They had forgotten they had a choice on choosing if their stressors where really something they could or could not control.
It breaks my heart to see humanity suffer however it also makes me want to take action – to do something, to take charge of what I can control.
We can’t undo the past, our words and actions , but we sure can learn from them and create better in our lives.
Sometimes challenges appear, example – sudden death of a person you may or may not know, your washing machine breaks during these times of isolation – can you control it ? No …
You take your time, deal with your grief and move forward , or you find a way through your washing machine saga and move on.
Why not focus on trusting that we are Galactic, divine, spiritual and abundant human beings that can find more than one way out of everything that we feel trapped by in our lives.
Reading about reality of what’s going in this world and facing the destruction and darkness that humanity faces is something we can’t control, however for those that remain healthy and safe- we have a role to play:
We can wake up grateful
We can pray for ourselves and humanity
We can discover our light and the power of our divine love
We can meditate and remain calm & relaxed
We can make the most of what we have during this time
We can find joy, creativity and passion
We can keep our environments clean and tidy
We can help each other wherever we can
Because we are all one , and what we do individually impacts all of humanity, we do have the power to create ripple effects of good health, joy, love , peace and so much more…
So the next time you hear it or read about reality or truth of another brother or sister practice these steps above and hope your actions reaches them in some way
Love and light to you