Relationship with Self…
Yes! Commitment to self, and sometimes we choose to walk away from ourselves for a bit or suppress our emotions because we may feel overwhelmed and perhaps have no idea how deal with what comes our way and how to love ourselves...
Every action has an equal opposite reaction...
Take for example our emotions...
How do we express and release our emotions?
⭐️Feeling the emotion
⭐️Expressing the emotion
⭐️Acceptance / Forgiveness
⭐️Go a little deeper - what can I learn from this emotion ?
Fear - where do I need safety ?
Anger - what am I defending/ protecting ?
Jealousy - what is it that I am capable of ?
Sadness - where I am blocking my joy ?
We must remember that everything is a vehicle in our lives and we can choose to use it to transform...
“ To hate is an easy lazy thing,
But to love takes strength everyone has but not all are will to practice ... “ Rupi Kaur
In order to love yourself, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you...
Self love means you are on your side always !
Please reach out if you wish to master yourself and your emotions...
The Life activation session and galactic activation will support you in expressing and releasing your emotions healthily and align you with your heart’s divine purpose !