What keeps you from your true self…
I began to think about this question when a dearly beloved family member in another country became very ill and this question crossed my mind . As a guide , facilitator in healing, teacher I prayed , sent distance healing, and started to feel quite low as the thought of grief crept in.
I had a distraction of having friends over during this time, and caught myself feeling guilty of smiling , having fun with a 5 year old and just being my true self.
This is a personal share, however I wish to share because I’m not alone in this guilt. I went to the Ocean that always helps me shift and heal, it is the water element that always brings me back to my true self. There’s no right or wrong way to handle a situation when someone you deeply love is not well, however we have the opportunity to be our true selves in every moment . People seeing me full of joy in that moment, brought up judgement for myself.
How many times do we suppress our joy , our true essence because of society and what they think and because of self judgement ?
It is our birth right to express our true essence and clear our judgement, suppression of our emotions , negative self talk etc..
When I spoke to my family member that is ill, they said that they just wanted to see me happy…
This was a big moment for me, as I had created this judgement in my mind irrespective if others had an opinion or judgement about my actions.
So if you find yourself in the trap of guilt or shame or any other negative emotion, my advice to you is to see it as an opportunity to heal, let go and be done with it as it keeps you from your true self. Allow yourself to take the time to heal, elevate your frequency so that you can truly love all parts of you and embody your true self.
As I said there’s no right or wrong way… Do what feels good in your heart…
When I use the metaphysical tools from Empower Thyself, I become more aware of my traps that keep me from my true self, I have the ability to connect to my soul and spirit and create a reality that brings me inner peace and healing so I’m embodying my true self more.
It all starts with a
Negative Emotional chord cut release
3. Empower thyself class and initiation
Please reach out if you wish to find out more
Love x