My Experience of Healers Academy studying with the Modern Mystery School- United Kingdom
What if we were a portal for divine light and energy to flow through us . We all have the ability to access this light and divine energy.
We are worthy, and capable…
Being a vessel of light and service to others is something I’m very passionate about. I learnt more about this in Healers Academy. You can do this for yourself too.
We are worthy and capable of being a portal for divine light, healing and energy to flow through us.
Healers Academy shifted my awareness of the origin and flow of light… it took away the belief that “I was alone “ and replaced that feeling with a strong and stable bridge and link to the divine , the angelic realm and the magickal beings and masters of light that are here to support us in this physical life on earth .
The Energy of Healers Academy is very difficult to explain in words, its something the mind cannot comprehend but only your heart and soul can resonate with… The subtle yet powerful energy of the light eases the mind and gently lightens the process of logic. The essence of love is carried through the 5 days supporting each participant to soften to the very core of their heart and heal from this space.
As we Heal and reach our Divine state of being , peace anchors in the heart within each person one at a time growing to a world of peace which is the mission of the Modern Mystery School .
Healers Academy is where one gets to know themselves as they heal , an important aspect of healing . It’s also where one receives a second step initiation into the ancient Lineage of King Salomon . One recieves 100 x more light , power and positivity during initiation. An initiation into knowing and serving yourself and others - a path of enlightenment is through service of others.
Why we Heal ? In this episode Zuyapa sits down with Dr Kate Bartram Brown to give you an inside look at healing with the time tested, ancient healing and highly effective modality Life Activation, what it's like to attend Healer's Academy and be a healer with the Modern Mystery school, distance/remote healing, being a Lightworker and what it truly means to heal for the benefit of our body, soul, and mind.
From my experience, it is only when you understand the WHY will you take the Action to serve and help others.
If you wish to become this portal of light don’t worry about the how , Focus on the Why .. Get in touch with a Guide today !
I look forward to seeing you at Healers Academy !