Negative Energy Removal

Have you been so affected by an argument, incident or traumatised by a specific situation?

Everything is energy, the people we come into contact with, or thoughts, words and actions, even our negative patterns carry energy, which is similar to an energy cord.

Even though we might physically walk away from a situation/ person and forget about the incident, we may still carry the pattern or emotion related to that situation making us feel drained and very low in energy. That cord is attached to our energy structure and has a major impact in our lives.

With the Negative Energy Removal and Emotional Cord Release, the negative cords are severed leaving you content in your own energy and free of any negativity. You also start to vibrate a higher frequency feeling more positive and empowered and even if you had to experience this situation again, you will not react in the same manner again.

As part of the session negativity is removed and light is bright into your energy structure and aura making you feel light, calm and more at peace.

Book your session now! And let go of what is limiting you.

Session Duration: 60 Minutes
Investment: £100