I had a choice, so do you! …
As a child I disliked school, the kids were really mean to me, I was super sensitive and remember not liking this “cruel” world, I found adults were kinder to me so I connected with them more than kids my age. I felt trapped in a place I didn’t want to be in with no escape. As a child the only way I got through life was from the love , care and nurture I received from my immediate family and a close neighbour. I am grateful for them, I would not be here today if it was not for them.
I could have been mean too, I HAD A CHOICE , I chose kindness instead.
Biggest lesson as an adult - surround myself with like minded people, kindness does exist in this world because it exists within me. YOU HAVE A CHOICE…
For most relationships that I was a part of - I attracted betrayal, deception which led me to not trusting anyone or anything , I’m still healing from these and I have to ask myself if there’s betrayal and deception in myself because that’s what I saw in my world . I HAD A CHOICE, I chose to be someone that is trustworthy and loyal and honest because that’s what I want to attract and see in the world… YOU HAVE A CHOICE…
It doesn’t hurt to be kind, it hurts more when you carry the pain. A lot of us do until we realise that there is a better way. WE CHOOSE!
Life is short, will we spend most of our life being victims to the worlds we created that maybe in our eyes perceived as cruel carrying pain, judgement, hurting others or will we CHOOSE to heal, and embody what we want more of in the world and from others…
When we react from a place of suffering and negative experiences, we move very far away away from our spirit and our joy! Another heavy burden we carry is all the emotions from the reaction and triggers which is GUILT. Because our heart and spirit later catches up with us making us realise that we shouldn’t have said or behaved in that manner , which further spirals down to REGRET. And that’s how we load on the baggage…
When we react from a place of healing, and from spirit we impact the world and the people around us creating peace and harmony and unity.
I HAD A CHOICE, I chose to heal, become aligned with the present moment and have a deeper connection to my heart , soul and spirit . SO DO YOU!
Attending Satsang and going to ashram regularly whilst growing up brought me peace until I started studying with the Modern Mystery School. This is one of the reasons I became a Guide within the school and chose to help and serve my self and others.
The Life Activation session and Empower Thyself tools and initiation , Healers Academy aligned me with the present moment, my healing was rapid and still continues, the light, power and positivity supported me in amplifying my choices when it came to choosing positivity, I was able to protect my energy and sensitivity by strengthening my energy field, Initiation supported a deeper connection with body, soul and spirit and most importantly Gratitude, Forgiveness and Service became my foundation.
Empower Thyself - get in touch today !
www.yadikshahari.com #modernmysteryschoolUK #resonateinnerpeace #yadikshahariaffilliatedwiththemodernmysteryschool #healing #service #gratitude #meaningoflife #purpose #innerpeace #kindness